2012 was the summer of green & blue. The often fickle West Coast weather was amazing when J. & I went on a roadtrip around Washington's Olympic Peninsula, land of giant green trees & blue ocean.
La Push, Washington |
Two years ago, I bought wool with this shawl in mind. For some reason I didn't get around to making it right away and more or less forgot about the colour combo until I saw Veera Valimaki's "Line Break Shawl" pattern. As soon as I saw it, the blue/green colours screamed back at me.
I couldn't wait to start this project. With row upon row of garter stitch, it was the perfect travelling project. No need to count rows or read a chart, but just watch the scenery in my summer roadtrip adventure as it unfolded before me!

Knitting short rows made the project seem quick. I had intended on making a lacey border with the light green, but decided on the modern look of the border as written. This is my 3rd asymetrical shawl (Stripe Study, Color Affection). I have yet to knit a triangular one, and perhaps never will!